Wednesday, April 6, 2011

TNOYS ED Testifies before House State Affairs Committee in Opposition to HB2637

 April 5, 2010

Greetings Chairman Cook, members of the State Affairs Committee;

My name is Theresa Tod; I’m testifying on behalf of the Texas Network of Youth Services, a statewide association that supports services to vulnerable children and youth in Texas.  I’m testifying in opposition to HB 2637.

Let me start by making clear that I’m not opposed to the intent of this bill; what I am opposed to is that this bill changes the Family Code to take funding currently committed, by law and by intent, toward child abuse and neglect prevention.  The “Children’s Trust Fund” as it is known, was established in the late 80’s or early 90’s specifically to create a dedicated fund that would be used, in perpetuity, to support child abuse prevention.  As the House budget is currently laid out, these funds support several programs in the Prevention and Early Intervention Division of the Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) – namely STAR, CYD (Community Youth Development) and Other At-Risk Prevention Support; some other prevention programs currently in place are eliminated entirely in this budget.  I’ll focus on the STAR Program, as it receives the bulk of the funds that would be diverted by HB 2637.

The STAR Program currently serves all 254 Texas counties, though with current resources it’s a stretch to do so, especially across Texas’ extensive rural areas.  There is a map in your packet, listing each of the programs providing STAR services and illustrating the service areas they cover.  This is important because the program doesn’t always use the name “STAR” locally, but I think many of you will recognize these as quality organizations who are doing good work in your districts.

Each STAR program provides 24-hour crisis intervention, counseling to support and strengthen families, a shelter stay if needed, coping skills education, and parenting classes.  In addition STAR currently offers public education focused on child abuse prevention. More details about the program is covered on the fact sheet in your packet; including the very low cost of providing these services, the number of youth and families served, where these youth come from, etc.  Of great importance also is the information provided about the effectiveness of these services; this rigorously collected data gives us confidence that the program brings results and is doing what it is intended to do. 

Unfortunately, the funding for the STAR Program has already been drastically cut in both the House and Senate budgets; by 34.8%.  With the funding this bill would divert from STAR, 1/3 of the remaining funding for the program would be cut!  Funding for all the prevention programs at PEI have been cut as well; some smaller programs have been eliminated entirely.  So even without this change, we’re already taking a huge step backwards in terms of child abuse prevention, in spite of the fact that Texas lags well behind other states in this area.

The STAR program is unique among the prevention programs at DFPS, in that it is a safety net for youth and families who have already reached a crisis point. There is no other program or service in Texas like STAR. Given so many proposed cuts to other program budgets, STAR services may become more crucial than ever; cuts to mental health services will mean more youth and families will be in crisis; cuts to public education will mean fewer counselors and other administrators available to help students cope.

Funding for the prevention programs at DFPS sustains an invaluable social services infrastructure in your districts and our state. PEI services are provided by organizations, typically nonprofits, contracted by DFPS. They are organizations that engage volunteers and faith communities in their work. They use state dollars to leverage other funds, and tenaciously piece together budgets to provide quality services. Many are already facing serious financial struggles. Grant revenue and donations are down, and demand for services is up.

The PEI division at DFPS represents an investment in prevention that took roughly twenty years, and the leadership efforts of many here within the Legislature, to create. The programs in your districts are already devastated over the loss of services they expect to happen due to the cuts currently in the budget, and the children and families who will be denied services as a result. It would be a tremendous shame, and a costly mistake I believe, to wipe out an even greater part of that investment by passing this bill.

I urge this committee to either consider some alternative means of funding this program, such as perhaps increasing the marriage license fees; or delaying its start until our state revenues can support new programs.

Thank-you for the opportunity to testify, and I’m happy to answer questions or provide any follow-up information needed; including putting you in touch with the STAR Service Provider in your district.  (I know even legislative offices at times make referrals to the program, when they get a call from a parent in distress!)

Theresa Tod, Executive Director
Texas Network of Youth Services

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

TNOYS Youth In Action!

On March 24, 2011, TNOYS hosted its biennial Youth In Action at the Capitol event. More than 300 youth and over a hundred adults gathered at the Capitol to learn about effective citizenry and to meet with legislators about community issues important to the youth. 

Monday, April 4, 2011

TNOYS Awarded Hogg Foundation Grant

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

ACH Child & Family Services

If your in or around Ft. Worth on April 7th, have lunch with your friends at TNOYS member agency ACH Child & Family Services! 
Its the Lend a H.A.N.D. (Help Abuse & Neglect Disappear) luncheon along with an educational panel discussion about child abuse in Tarrant County... all in honor of Natl. Child Abuse Prevention Month.  Full information about the time and place can be found on the ACH website.  
The panel discussion includes the following panelists
Nancy Hagan,
Executive Director of Alliance for Children
Michael Steinert,
Executive Director for Student Support Services at FWISD
Judge Mollee Westfall,
371st District Court
Dr. Wayne Carson,
CEO of ACH Child & Family Services

Monday, March 14, 2011

Report on at-risk youth services recommends further study, improved information sharing

STAR Program funds suggested as source to pay for study
An independent study is needed to review how Texas provides services to at-risk youth, and to recommend a model service delivery system with accountability; according to a new report on at-risk youth services in Texas.   “At-risk youth” are defined in the report as youth who have significant potential to enter or further penetrate the juvenile and/or criminal justice system.
The report further recommends amending current law to mandate information sharing and increased communication among the entities that serve at-risk youth.  This is in response to complaints that existing regulations about information-sharing result in duplication of effort and other impediments.
Other “policy considerations” suggested:
·         Focus efforts on providing prevention and intervention as soon as possible (not defined)
·         Ensure comparable services for youth who haven’t entered the juvenile justice system
·         Reduce duplicative services and assessments
·         Explore feasibility of using local schools as a location where more services are provided
While the report contains laudable recommendations, I question the wisdom of the approach used in the study, as well as the suggestion to divert a half million dollars of STAR Program funding to pay for further study!
Although the project intends to “gain a comprehensive view of the various services available to at-risk youth in Texas” and explore “how local, state, private, nonprofit, and educational entities serve at-risk youth in their communities,” the research analyzes data exclusively on juvenile offenders who are already involved in the juvenile justice system, without addressing how youth avoid entry into the juvenile justice system or how systems work to divert them.  It lacks even minimal discussion of the role played by programs currently funded to provide prevention and early intervention services to at-risk youth, such as STAR (Services to At Risk Youth), CYD (Community Youth Development), CIS (Communities in Schools), and other programs.  Data shows that these programs successfully work to keep “at risk” youth OUT of the more costly juvenile justice and child welfare systems.
These programs are finally listed, on page 20 of the report, only as part of a section exploring potential funding for the new study; and the severe funding cuts proposed for these programs this legislative session are noted. Nevertheless, the STAR Program is recommended as the source for the $500,000 price tag for the proposed independent study.  (The report makes clear that no additional funding is requested.)  The cost, which would result in services to fewer at-risk youth and families, is justified as enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of future prevention and intervention funding.
Finally, while sharing information between agencies has clear benefits, we wonder if youth and families would be less willing to “sign up” for services if they know their identifying information will be shared with juvenile and CPS authorities; as they would ethically have to be afforded informed consent.   
The report, released in January, is by the At-Risk Youth Services Project (ARYSP), an interim research project directed by the Criminal Justice Data Analysis Team of the Legislative Budget Board (LBB). The goal of the project is to provide legislative recommendations to improve the delivery of services to at-risk youth in Texas.  Agencies participating in the project included TYC, the Juvenile Probation Commission, and probation departments in eight Texas counties; also various care-givers serving youth in the juvenile justice system. 

Click Here for the full report. 
Theresa Tod,  Executive Director

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You’ll be amazed at what kids can do! Every summer for the last 27 years... Four days/three nights... PEAKS Adventure Camp! Would you like to join us? Have the best time of your life… Swimming, playing funny games, laughing, dancing, singing, climbing, and making memories to last a lifetime!
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"One of the best camps I've been to... Awesome!"

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

TNOYS Testifies before Senate Finance Committee regarding Child Abuse and Delinquency Prevention Programs

Christine Gendron, Public Policy Coordinator, Texas Network of Youth Services

Testimony to the Senate Finance Committee

February 7, 2011

Good afternoon,

My name is Christine Gendron, and I am the Public Policy Coordinator for Texas Network of Youth Services. We’re a nonprofit association of organizations serving youth in at‐risk situations and their families.

Thank you for the opportunity to testify today.

Like many who spoke to you last week, I’m here to impress on you the importance of the prevention and
early intervention (PEI) programs at DFPS.

I know that you know these are crucial programs designed to prevent child abuse & neglect and juvenile
delinquency, so I am going to be brief and just hit a few key points.

First, the prevention of juvenile delinquency and the prevention of child abuse & neglect are linked. The
family and community factors that make a child at risk for delinquency are the same factors that present
risk for abuse & neglect. Last year, more than 1/3 of youth incarcerated at TYC had a documented
history of abuse or neglect. 72% came from chaotic homes. These are the worst of our state’s young
offenders, yet it’s clear that most of them are not “bad” kids, they just need stability and support. We
hope you will prioritize funding for programs that prevent both delinquency and child abuse & neglect.

Second, the STAR program is unique among PEI programs in that it is a safety net for youth and families
who have already reached a crisis point. There is no other program or service in Texas like STAR. Given
other proposed budget cuts, STAR services may become more crucial than ever; cuts to mental health
services will mean more youth and families will be in crisis; cuts to public education will mean fewer
counselors and other administrators available to help students cope.

Third, this is not about funding for a few specific programs, it’s bigger than that. It’s about sustaining an
invaluable social services infrastructure in your districts and our state. PEI services are provided by
organizations, mostly nonprofits, contracted by DFPS. They use state dollars to leverage other funds,
and tenaciously piece together budgets to provide quality services. Many are already facing serious
financial struggles. Grant revenue and donations are down, and demand for services is up. The
maintenance of PEI funding may be crucial to keeping agencies afloat. Several of you mentioned the
importance of community volunteerism and faith‐based organizations last week. These are precisely
the organizations that engage volunteers and faith communities in their work.

Last, the PEI division at DFPS represents an investment in prevention that took roughly twenty years,
and the leadership efforts of several of you on this committee, to create. It would be a real shame to
wipe out much of that investment in one budget cycle when there are alternative options available. We
know you have hard decision to make, and the decision to prioritize prevention is made even harder
when the Department’s other services are so essential. But the fact is, the Department is going to have
fires to put out until the end of time, unless we are serious about preventing child abuse & neglect
before it starts. Cutting the investment that you have already made in PEI will result in even more
caseload growth over the next 2 years, making it even harder to prioritize prevention the next time
around. For this reason, we support taking a balanced approach to the budget rather than addressing
the shortfall with cuts alone.

Thank you.

TNOYS Testifies before Senate Finance Committee reagrding Substitute Care

Feb. 3, 2011

Chairman Ogden, Finance Committee Members;

My name is Theresa Tod; I'm the Executive Director of Texas Network of Youth Services, a
statewide association of youth service providers. I also serve as a Co‐Chair of the Substitute Care
Workgroup of the Child Protection Roundtable, so I'm speaking today on behalf of that group's
priorities related to substitute care, which basically mirror those of my own organization. With one
exception, these priorities fall within the DFPS budget.

The Child Protection Roundtable's top priority for Substitute Care is to enhance services that will
achieve placement stability for children who are in conservatorship of the Department; because we
know that this one factor has a huge impact on the long term success of these children.

• We are therefore concerned that any reduction in funds for foster care reimbursements
would further impede placement stability for children in care. As Commissioner
Heiligenstein described on Tuesday, foster care rates would actually be cut 12%, and service
providers are already reimbursed at rates that are far below actual costs. Under SB1,
Residential Treatment centers would be reimbursed at 76% of costs, Basic Care at 81% of
costs, and Emergency Shelters at only 59% of costs. (See attached fact sheet).

• Furthermore, any funding cuts in this area jeopardize implementation of the changes
envisioned by the “Foster Care Redesign” initiative, which also support placement stability.
This set of recommendations, developed collaboratively by key stakeholders and DFPS,
would accomplish important improvements to the foster care system; such as keeping
children within their communities and with sibling groups, increasing the focus on
maintaining family connections, and rewarding providers for successful work, rather than
the built‐in financial disincentives that currently exist.

 • Funding for relative care payment programs (both Upfront and Permanency Care
Assistance) is another vital component for achieving placement stability. These funds
provide minimal financial support to relatives who would not be able to provide care
otherwise, and costs for less per child than foster care; so this program represents a
significant savings to the state.

• Cuts to day care for relative caregivers, as well as cuts to adoption subsidies, would create
further barriers to placing children in permanent settings.

You will hear from others who will speak on both Prevention and CPS priorities, for the Child
Protection Roundtable as well as for TNOYS. In closing, I hope that you will use everything at your
disposal – including the Rainy Day Fund and other revenue options – to take a balanced approach
to balancing our budget!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Roy Maas Youth Alternatives Awarded in San Antonio 2010 Top Workplaces

TNOYS member agency Roy Maas' Youth Alternatives, Inc. (RMYA) was named as one of San Antonio's Top Workplaces in 2010. Top Workplaces are organizations that provide their employees with a great place to work. The cool part is that the company employees get to decide. Top Workplaces surveys the employees - and only those companies that employees rate as the best companies to work for are selected. The workplace surveys are conducted by WorkplaceDynamics LLC, and the programs are run in conjunction with the major newspaper in the regional area. Congratulations, Roy Mass'. You deserve it!

About RMYA
Roy Maas' Youth Alternatives has provided safety for children in crisis since 1976 with residential & counseling services to end the cycle of abuse & violence: Bridge Emergency Shelter, TurningPoint Independent Living Program for youth leaving foster care, Counseling Center with free Master's level services , MeadowLand Campus, our long-term residential programs, including a residential treatment center for children with emotional/behavioral needs from past abuse, & MeadowLand Charter School for at-risk students. Roy Maas once said "People need three things to be happy: someone to love, something constructive to do with their time & something to look forward to." As key people in the lives of the youth we serve RMYA works to provide an environment for these things to happen. Our children have many obstacles to overcome & we provide the help & tools they need to understand they can lead a positive life & become productive citizens in our community.

What the employees say
What excites you about the direction this organization is taking?
The positive recognition and involvement it gets from important people and companies.
It excites me that this organization continues to grow and continues to offer the help that the children we serve need.

I love my job because...
Our team gets along well and works well with each other. We trust each other and I can easily say we all work really hard.

Interesting facts
The Bridge has won the Runaway & Homeless Youth Grant since 1976. Since 1984 the Counseling Center has received the Services to At-Risk Youth Grant & STAR provider for San Antonio/Bexar County, offering free Master's level counseling/crisis intervention for 2,000+ children & families a year. TurningPoint has received the federal Transitional Living Program Grant since 1999. All grants are highly competitive. RMYA programs have about 160 employees who are experienced with at-risk youth: 14 senior staff members have been at RMYA for 20+ years; one-third of our staff for 5+ years; 37% have undergraduate degrees & 12% have Master's degrees; 40 are seeking undergraduate degrees & 7 are in graduate school; 10 are Licensed Child Care Administrators. RMYA therapists have Master's degrees & 10 are Licensed Professional Counselors; one is a Licensed Master of Social Work; one is a Licensed Sexual Offender Treatment Provider & one is a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Oh no! The sky is falling, the sky is falling...

Yes friends, things are looking pretty glum in Austin.  What with the legislative plans to cut human services, and the economy still in the toilet, and most of us social workers and youth-care workers at the low end of the social services totem pole, it seems like the end of the tunnel isn't in sight just yet. And this week the governor's "emergencies" are more in the way of medical procedures, voter ID, and sanctuary cities rather than the state's economic crisis.  Even though I try to stay solution-focused and strengths-based I have been worried and forlorn about our state's current condition.  My wife says I'm grumpy and my kids say, "Dad! Get a life!".

As we at TNOYS began to feel the crunch of disappearing dollars in the last few years, we were spurred to look for new and different resources; new places to cast our lot, and some of them have even panned out.  We still believe mightily in our work and are devoted to the survival of ourselves and the network.  Other staff in the agency are posting here about our continuing progress, and in their own categories of work.

I want to spend some time posting today about using what we preach in our trainings to survive and even grow in this new environment.  A Facebook friend of mine recently responded to my announcement of the start of the 82nd Texas Legislature: "We may as well just start banging our heads against the wall now.  I'd be happier unconscious for the next two years".  I imagine this person's statement was meant to be humorous; and yet, underneath the quip I detect a sense of despair that we in the social services arena can really do nothing to help our clients (programs, organizations, etc.) right now.  This got me to thinking.

Then, today, I read a piece from the New York Times, by Richard Friedman, about how insight can be only the beginning of change.  As a family counselor I tend to think of everything with a systems perspective, or a "counseling" slant.  Friedman's piece reminded me that having self-knowledge about what is going on or what we need to do is not always enough.  We also need to put that insight into action.  He notes that in the world of therapy any approach is better than no approach.  He continues that people who are "depressed...(about any situation) have a selective recall bias for unhappy events...; ...they are ...forgetting the good (events)".  From a constructivist perspective of these times we need to clarify what we want instead of what we are offered ("the problem").

We need to get away from an externalized locus of control (they doing it to us) and remember that we feel better and have more resources when we recognize and build upon what we can do (internalized locus of control), no matter what they do.

I am starting by writing this "Best Practices" post to encourage you readers to do something to shout out your ideas about what can and should be done.  As Eldridge Cleaver (or Ralph Waldo Emerson) said, "You're either part of the solution or part of the problem".  In systemic counseling we know that counselors must be the most flexible element in the system if they want to influence systemic change.  We also know from recent outcome research that in counseling of any sort, building an alliance is one of the most important variables leading to success along with client involvement.

One of our narrative therapy techniques utilizing both these variables is finding ways for people to "spread the news" about the "preferred stories" they want the "communities of concern to" hear and pay attention to.  I submit that this is not the time for us to talk about how BAD things are and how we can't do anything. Rather, let's tell our success stories and describe our preferred reality.  Let's talk about what we want and need with those who would speak for us at the legislature.  Telling our stories of success and encouraging those who have benefited from our services to share their stories of success are ways of affirming (witnessing) the value of our work.  I wonder, "How many clients does it take to turn on the lights in the legislature?" 

Using what we know of strengths-based and collaborative counseling might just be good guidelines for involving ourselves and befriending those who would take up our cause.  As we participate in the process of government over the next few months lets find ways to busy ourselves about the things we CAN do: listen to the news from Austin; write an email; call our congress people; share our success stories; visit our legislators in Austin; and encourage our clients to do the same.  We are all in this together.  That's why we call this a network!    ~JN~

Friday, January 21, 2011

TNOYS Member News

New website developments are in the works at TNOYS.  TNOYS board member, Daryl, and Faith are working together to create the "Members Only" section of the TNOYS website. Staff really appreciate Daryl's commitment to help us get the "Members Only" section launched as well as providing other computer support. Possible areas of the "Members Only" section are: Policy Alerts/Advocacy Information, Tex-Net News, Training/Data Surveys, Supervisor's Corner, Best Practices, Member Technical Assistance, and Resource Library Updates.

On another note, we intend to make the Members News section of the blog available for members to share their news.  If you would like to share something about your agency please feel free to send it to Faith.  This is your opportunity to share your successes with others.  So go ahead - toot your own horn!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Staff Training and Professional Development

We are facing an unknown future that at this moment looks bleaker than I have ever seen, although despair isn't a road that I'm willing to go down.  Like us here at TNOYS, all of you are dedicated to serving vulnerable children, youth and families and have likely done this work, in some capacity, all of your professional life!  People often say, "Oh that must be so rewarding." It is rewarding but it would be dishonest to say the work that all of you do is easy, it simply is not.  Our work is about helping people and people are complex.

Most of our young pople have survived a lifetime of hurt, sorrow, unimaginable violence and repeated violations of safety and trust.  Relationships are key to supporting these vulnerable youth in uncovering their strengths and assisting them to successfully navigate adolescence to young adulthood.  Therefore, professionals must be preapred to engage in this incredibly vital and challenging work.  If I burn the fries at McDonald's I can toss them out and start over.  In fact, I can do this at least several more times before my boss probably decides that it's just not working and lets me go.  Service providers don't have this luxury.  We need to get it right with those we serve with the money currently afforded to us and any monies that come our way in the future.

It is no doubt difficult to do more with less.  Often, one of the ways that we deal with shrinking budgets is to reduce training for our professional youth service providers.  It certainly is tempting to do because training isn't a tangible service being delievered directly to youth.  I would ask that you take a moment to reconsider sacrificing such a critical component to ensuring that youth serving programs are delievered at the highest quality possible.  Programs are not people but they are developed, implemented and facilitated by people.  I believe that without ongoing training and staff development we will fall short of helping young people reach their maximum potential.

Good intentions, alone, are not enough to achieve the positive outcomes we work so hard to accomplish with those we serve.  Consequences of an untrained workforce trypically result in a higher rate of employee turnover, staff taking more sick days and overall burn out.  So are we really saving if training is taken out of the equation?  I don't think so.  Everything comes with a cost but people aren't french fries.  Although, as you know too many of our young people will say that they have been treated just like something that can be thrown away.  Training is a mechanism and tool to bolster our competencies in order to do our very best with these complex, resilient and pretty amazing young people.

I recently read an interesting article that speaks to the importance of pre-service and in-service training for staff that you may want to check out.  To find it go to Research to Results-Child Trends.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Alarm Building over Budget Cut Threats

Continued claims by our Governor and other key leaders that Texas is doing great financially, cause some of us to scratch our heads, wondering why then are we facing massive cuts?! Throughout 2010, the Governor, Lt. Governor, and House Speaker have asked state agencies to cut spending; 5% in 2010-11, and recently an additional 2.5% for 20100.  For 2012-13, agencies were all asked to identify cuts of an additional 10%, for consideration in the budget process this session.

A recent Policy Page by the Center for Public Policy Priorities describes a sampling of the cuts proposed for the 2012-13 budget; cuts which would impact not only those most vulnerable among us, but average Texans across the spectrum. Here are some notable examples:
  • Prevention and Early Intervention (PEI), which provides delinquency prevention, helping youth in crisis, and abuse and neglect prevention services under the Department of Family and Protective Services, will be all but eliminated. Such cuts threaten the safety of thousands of Texas children. (See TNOYS fact sheets discussing these cuts and some of the programs impacted. If you want to help oppose these cuts, consider joining TNOYS or contributing to our efforts!)
  • More crowded classrooms in the public schools, weakening the learning environment, reducing achievement, undermining college readiness, and prompting more kids, particularly disadvantaged youngsters in need of individual attention, to give up on school and drop out. More dropouts ultimately will cost every taxpayer more in criminal justice costs and lower Texas’ attractiveness to employers with high-paying jobs.
  • Additional university tuition increases too high for many middle- and low-income families to afford. Promising young people will drop out of college, never enroll or take on a mountain of debt to fulfill their dreams. Student financial aid, meanwhile, will be reduced, compounding the problem.
  • There are approximately 150,000 disabled and senior Texans on Medicaid home and community services who want to live as independently as possible and age in place. Reductions in Medicaid home and community services will result in many people going into more costly nursing home or other institutional services.
  • Thousands of working families will lose access to affordable health insurance for their children because of likely cuts to the Children’s Health Insurance Program, or CHIP.  Many of these kids will end up in public hospital emergency rooms, where treatment is more expensive, and local taxpayers will have to pick up the tab.
As damaging and harmful as they would be, these proposed cuts could be only the first wave of a powerful storm that threatens our prosperity once an actual budget is filed by this Legislature.  For one thing, the 10% agency cuts proposed for the biennial budget would result in savings of somewhere around $4 billion; a fraction of the funds needed to make up for the anticipated deficit!

The Comptroller’s 2012-2013 biennial revenues estimate this week was the first of a series of actions to play out this Legislative Session, which will ultimately illuminate just how serious our condition really is. The revenue projection of about $72 billion is only about $8 billion less than last session.  However, after factoring in factors like population growth, increased costs, and federal stimulus funds not available this session, policy analysts are still saying the budget gap could be as high as $27 billion. 

TNOYS is part of a new coalition – Texas Forward – whose growing list of members represent educators, health and human service nonprofits, and others dedicated to better lives for all Texans.  The coalition believes that our budget crisis cannot be solved with cuts alone, advocating that the Rainy Day Fund should be spent, federal dollars maximized, and that legislators should explore new revenue streams that treat all individuals and businesses equitably.  Download the new brochure and share it; it’s an excellent educational tool about our state’s budget and needs.

Texas Forward promotes an equitable, balanced approach to budget-setting that will spur economic recovery while also keeping pace with the state’s needs. The health, safety and, in some cases, even the lives of millions of Texans are at stake.  Click here for more information, or to become part of this important effort.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Welcome to the TNOYS Blog!

Hello, and welcome to the new TNOYS blog, your source for information, insight, and updates about the Texas Network of Youth Services ( TNOYS is a membership association comprised of youth serving agencies and individuals committed to shaping better outcomes for the otherwise forgotten youth of Texas: Foster children, youth at risk of entering the juvenile justice system, young people struggling with all manner of mental health challenges, runaway and homeless, pregnant and parenting teens, and more.

We provide high quality training and education, skilled consultation, and critical support to agencies serving youth at-risk so that they have up-to-date information and research-based techniques at their fingertips. Each year,  TNOYS serves about 500 agencies across the state; including member agencies, Services to At-Risk Youth (STAR) providers, Community Youth Development (CYD) program providers, federal Runaway and Homeless Youth (RHY) program grantees, and others. Our direct service programs provide youth with positive opportunities for self expression and learning including arts education, experiential camps, community engagement and advocacy.

We thought now is the right time to open the door and start a conversation with the youth services community, parents and teachers, legislators and the public, about what's happening in youth services today. We intend to use this blog to:
- Provide information about TNOYS and the efforts of our network;
- Present opportunities for grassroots advocacy on behalf of youth and families and empowering young people to advocate on their own behalf;
- Highlight our programs, services and activities, both current and future;
- Offer resources, articles, links, and information of interest to youth services professionals, teachers, and parents;
- Allow TNOYS members to showcase their agencies; and,
- Provide information about best practices in the field.

Additionally we want to hear from you; what you think, how you feel, how we can help. We plan on posting at least a couple of times a week so grab the RSS feed or sign up for an e-mail alert to receive notification of new entries as they are posted.